BlackBerry smartphone have very good feature. It is useful for our activity but if they not use the phone properly and wisely it will bad impact. Many cases that occurred among users of smart phones where it can suite the use with the condition , especially on the surrounding environment. Either because they do not know how to use a BlackBerry with true or intentional use it in overtime.
Most of the  BlackBerry users to be over uses against what had just acquired, the tendency to always access the new things always can not unbearable is one of the effects of the use of BlackBerry.  Its happed because the BB smartphone have long life battery and easy to bring anywhere. So different with another internet device like the PC tablet or laptop that have limited of battery, electricity, peripheral supporting etc. hat above statement of the effects of the use of the BlackBerry, your health condition will also be disturbed by the presence of such excessive access.  Here is the healthy effect use of BlackBerry Smartphone

  1. Addiction
    The first is the effect of using the BlackBerry addiction, according to a survey study from  Rutgers University, said that BlackBerry adversely affect the mental health of users. Addictive effects will be felt every time you get updates when his information from the mobile phone. There are updates from their social networking account , users will constantly monitor it over constantly.
    With the continuous updating the information you will get used to new things, and cause addiction to always check the condition of the new information available on the BlackBerry. Employment matters and other activities will be disrupted due to the performance of the brain becomes less than the maximum. To reduce the effect of the use of BlackBerry’s, try to avoid updating the information on an ongoing basis and spend most of your time with other positive activities.
  2. Sleep disorders
    According to a survey study of the University of Uppsala University in Sweden, namely, the results of the study showed that the use of BlackBerry in excess will reduce the quality of sleep and the impact on other health problems. With the update of Internet services on an ongoing basis,  the sound and vibration of the BlackBerry will instantly wake you from a deep sleep state while. Cases such as these interfere with the performance of the brain is supposed to rest. If you continue like this,  quality of your sleep will be reduced and will give an impact on other diseases. Some users who are sensitive to vibration or tone-owned BlackBerry update, so easily awakened from sleep. So you will be exposed to health problems such as insomnia, headaches and difficulty concentrating.
  3. Excessive Anxiety
    According to a survey from MIT University, USA show the fact that the use of the BlackBerry will establish a culture of stress and anxiety with something simple news or new news obtained. This study revealed that the use of BlackBerry in excess will give the effect of stirring thoughts and tendencies uneasy feeling with work or activities done.
  4. Debilitating brain performance
    According to an expert from a psychological disorder Psychological Disorders Center Mryland, stating that users who use BlackBerry inappropriately will weaken the performance of his brain. The weakening performance of the brain will affect the concentration of power will continue to diminish. The effect is caused by brain weakness multitasking features available on BlackBerry phones.

So I give you many solution here. Here is to reduce the all effects  is not to turn the Internet for 24 hours/ 7 weeks . Make a special schedule to access the new notification of email or social networking accounts you follow.  This tips also can be use for another smartphone that have internet service.


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