Here is the news that Uzard Web Browser with PC Display for BlackBerry . other than Opera Mini and UC. What is displayed in the browser’s Uzard very similar to those shown pc (computer) in a mini version.
Excess Uzard Web is loading very fast compared to the default browser of the BlackBerry itself and does not need to be set all sorts. This browser display reminiscent of Bolt, which has now been discontinued by their owners.
In essence, the browser is an alternative for those of you who are bored with the look of Opera Mini or UC.
You can download it via the BlackBerry App World here. 

BlackBerry has a PIN (Personal Identification Number) that can not be changed. While you are replacing the SIM-card. This is the first thing you should find out. PIN is very useful to facilitate communication among fellow BB users. You can use a PIN number as identification BlackBerry messenger, free chat facility in this smart phone. When sending or receiving files, browsing and using e-mail, PIN  will more benefit you. Especially when you use it to send files or messages to a friend or colleague BB users. You can send a message by simply entering their PIN into the To field.

Please look for the Options, the Curve series, pictorial icon is screwdriver. Once open the Options window, click Status and the display will show the BB PIN number.

That way, the message or file sent relatively more instant than e-mail, because it is direct and not through a mailserver. For additional information, on your BB screen will pop up a "D" indicates a message delivery has been successful. Communication methods PIN-to-PIN is also very useful for sending confidential files or messages .

Run the Setup Wizard
When pressing the power button for the first time, you will see the Setup Wizard window. There are so many BB users ignore her because not wait to enjoy the new mobile phone. In fact, the Setup Wizard is useful to disable unwanted language.

In setting standard, BB comes with a variety of languages, where each language specific memory consuming. So, when you select a language, the Setup Wizard automatically remove other languages. This step will  BB reduce memory usage.

Use the Thumb for typing on BB. One problem often encountered is when BB user typing on the QWERTY keyboard is not the thumb. Though BB specially designed to be both thumbs could easily make friends with the front side of the BB. So, if you use a finger other than the thumb, in addition to typing you become sluggish, everything would be inefficient.

To subscribe to  blackberry service you must subscribe and pay using a post paid card, so, if you already have a post paid number, then activate blackberry service. Meanwhile, if you do not have the numbers , you must  choose and find vendor to register.

Do not forget to bring your blackberry device when registering this service, at least you know the IMEI and PIN number , PIN Such a unique number on every blackberry device that also serves as an id to use blackberry messenger. Is the blackberry subscription fee includes the cost of SMS and phone?

No, service when you paid was only 1 month subscription for blackberry service if your blackberry is also used for texting and telephone, SMS and Telephone,  the cost will be added beyond the fixed subscription fee blackberry earlier.
Blackberry RIM blackberry handset using Blackberry Connect software? Blackberry Connect or commonly abbreviated BBC is actually also the initiative to expand  of RIM blackberry service, 

Previously, the people would prefer beyond RIM handsets for its UGLY, big and expensive,  will select Pocket PC devices, such as smartphones of Nokia and Sony Erickson or Palm. But not anymore, since the launch of the RIM product such as the Pearl, Curve and Huron that carries a sensual shape and thin, people begin to look at RIM’s latest product, especially when it already supports GPS and WIFI.

Now back to the essence, if you want any reason below, please use the Blackberry Connect:
– Want to use the blackberry service
– Handsets already support BlackBerry Connect
– Do not want to use the blackberry handset again
– Only need 3 email accounts with a few dozen email traffic
– Willing your handset battery more extravagant and more heat
– Willing to sometimes have to reset your handset
– Willingly performance slightly slower your handset.
– Willing to not satisfied with the default email PULL from your handset.