Here is QR code scan to download Yahoo Messenger for BlackBerry Essex smartphones. You can keep up to date with discussions by subscribing to them. Go to “My Subscriptions” and sign up to receive email notifications when posts are made to topics and forums that you’ve subscribed to. Have topics of your own? You can easily track these through “My Topics” and see what others are saying about your ideas and queries. This application allows you to chat in virtual real-time with your instant messaging IM contacts when and where you want to not just when you are in front of your computer. Yahoo! Messenger for BlackBerry Essex Smartphones Take your Yahoo! conversations with you :

  • Open the BlackBerry App World app on your smartphone. Click the Menu key and select Scan a Barcode. Click Start Scanning. Point your BlackBerry Essex smartphone camera at the barcode image and hold the camera steady for 3 seconds to scan it. BlackBerry App World will instantly find the app you’ve selected. Download by scan the QR code here


  • Download Yahoo Messenger via BB Browser to download direct to phone : click here.
  • Download form PC : FREE YAHOO MESSENGER . Save it into PC and sent it to your BlackBerry Essex via data cable

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