Scan the QR code below to download SMS Backup 1.0.0 for blackberry. Barcode generated by TEC-IT

To scan the QR code:

  1. Open the BlackBerry App World app on your  smartphone.
  2. Click the Menu key and select Scan a Barcode.
  3. Click Start Scanning. Point your Blackberry   smartphone camera at the barcode image and hold the camera steady for 3 seconds to scan it. BlackBerry App World will instantly find the app you’ve selected.

SMS Backup App takes Backup of all the Text messages on your device and also sends e-mail to a particular E-mail either on Real time or on Daily basis. You can view backup contents on your phone as well as email, and choose to backup selected conversations only.

Here is SaveIt! ver 3.0 for Blackberry. Scan the QR code below to download the Data backup and migration tool . Barcode generated by TEC-IT

To scan the QR code:

  1. Open the BlackBerry App World app on your smartphone.
  2. Click the Menu key and select Scan a Barcode.
  3. Click Start Scanning. Point your Blackberry smartphone camera at the barcode image and hold the camera steady for 3 seconds to scan it. BlackBerry App World will instantly find the app you’ve selected.

Download link to save from pc  : FREE SAVEIT! FOR BLACKBERRY . 

This app can to Backed up data can easily be restored to your BlackBerry over the air, and even to smartphones with other operating systems, including Android, Windows Phone and iOS.